في 30 أكتوبر ، تم افتتاح سلسلة من أنشطة Crinival للتبادل الثقافي لعام 2024 لزوجات المبعوثين إلى الصين مع موضوع "حياة جميلة ، أعجب بها العالم" في بكين. The wives of envoys from more than 30 countries including Mexico, Ecuador, Egypt, and Namibia attended the event in full dress. This activity not only showcases the beauty of cross-border cultural exchanges but also serves as a stage to jointly appreciate Chinese culture and promote national characteristics. As the officially designated partner, Forthing stands out with its excellent Chinese luxury product experience, highlighting the charm of the East and becoming a new business card of China's brand diplomacy.
الويب: https://www.forthingmotor.com/
Email:admin@dflzm-forthing.com; dflqali@dflzm.com
العنوان: 286 ، شارع Pingshan ، Liuzhou ، Guangxi ، الصين
وقت النشر: نوفمبر -01-2024